Chakra Balance

Having a Chakra Balance is a powerful way of clearing your energy field, whilst tuning into your Mind, Body and Spirit. 

Chakra Balance, Crystal Healing, Reiki

If you are feeling flat, exhausted, drained, or spaced-out you need to experience a Chakra Balance call or text us today! 0419 806 803


Chakras are energy centres that run up the spine to the crown of the head, linking the subtle bodies (known as the Aura or Etheric body) to the physical body.

They absorb and distribute the vital energies throughout the etheric and physical body and are associated with an area or organ of our physical body.

Becoming blocked or out of balance (under/over active), will create disharmony, and if left untreated, can eventually lead to physical, emotional or mental dis-ease.

Chakra Balancing is energy healing where your practitioner concentrates on balancing and clearing the energy of your seven main chakras and aura.

We use a combination of Reiki, Colour Therapy, Crystals, Aromatherapy, combined with other techniques to help bring your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies into alignment. 

Base Chakra is unbalanced, you may experience issues with your own sense of security, or experience problems with your legs, spine, or circulation problems.

Sacral Chakra is unbalanced, there might be an urge to overindulge in food, alcohol, and sex as compensation causing food intolerance, chronic skin conditions, obesity and issues around sex.

Solar Plexus Chakra is unbalanced, you may experience issues with your nervous system, gallbladder, digestion issues health of muscles, diabetes, cancer.

Heart Chakra is unbalanced, you may experience issues with your heart and lungs, high/low blood pressure, immune system, and arthritis.

You may experience feelings of rejection, and be disconnected from your inner child.

Throat Chakra is unbalanced, you may have issues with self-expression, and communication as well as issues with your thyroid, as well as issues with your gums and teeth, endocrine system.

Third Eye Chakra is unbalanced, you may have issues with memory, cognition, sleep disorders, seizures, as well as issues with your eyes, sinuses, hormones, and pituitary/pineal gland.

Crown Chakra is unbalanced you may experience issues related to with the brain, hypothalamus, skull, nervous system and pituitary glands.

Imbalances can cause difficulty meditating, and maintaining intimate connections (with others and source).

· Clear, activate and balance the Chakras

·Increase organ and gland·functions

· Cleanse toxins and blocked energy

· Promote a state of total relaxation

 ·Reduce stress and anxiety

·Re-establish spiritual equilibrium well-being

· Re-establish mental well-being

· Release blocked energy

· Relieve pain, muscular disorders and nervous disorders

·Strengthen life force energy

·Vitalise the Mind, Body and Soul


chakra image

By receiving a Chakra Balance, you will be taking a holistic approach to your everyday healthcare. 

It is a powerful way of tuning into your Mind, Body and Spirit helping you to maintain good physical and mental health and overall wellness.

For client and therapist protection Masks are to be worn before and after treatment. 

The therapist will ask you to remove your mask when appropriate.

The initial session will include a 30-minute consultation to collect information about your overall health and well-being. 

Followed by a 60-minute Chakra Balance.

Please wear comfortable casual clothing and long hair tied up to your session.

60-minute sessions will be conducted laying down on a massage table.

Please wear comfortable casual clothing and long hair tied up to your session.

30-minute sessions will be conducted seated in a chair.

Please wear comfortable casual clothing and long hair tied up to your session.