Divine Presence Essences
The Divine Presence Essences have been created to support you on your journey of re-adjusting frequency and vibration.

These essences will help you unlock a deeper understanding of what is important in your life.
Text or call us to make an appointment to discuss your needs today 0419 806 803
These powerful Essences will take you on a transformational journey of inner exploration, helping you access and release wounding in your soul arising from the Spirit world, this and other lives.
Please browse our range of Divine Presence Essences:

This is the first Divine Presence Essence to assist us greatly in our growth and development.
The Isis Essence is a Blessing from the Great Mother. She has promised to all people that her presence will be felt upon the Earth.
With this Essence Isis calls upon all those who are ready to come forward to stand up courageously, both emotionally and spiritually, and promises she will shine on them her Light of Lights that will illuminate their dark places.
Isis is calling you to her, as she wants to take your emotional pain, anger, shame, blame, fear, grief and despair. In its place, she will bring love and courage.
When you go inside any such dark place and come out, you feel freed and rejuvenated. All this merely from looking at and going into your emotional pain – allowing it to be held and opening that aspect of yourself to receive love to heal it.
The Isis Essence is about hope and upliftment. It enables us to know and feel the protection and the love of the Divine Feminine, both around and within us. We can draw this to us, so as to be strengthened and nurtured, especially in times of turbulence, anxiety and uncertainty.
Many of us carry old, deep woundings. This Essence can empower us by assisting us to access, release and heal these aspects. We can have our emotional pain and places of negativity from trauma being transformed and healed – a massive shift at a very deep soul level.
Positive Outcome:
- Allows you to feel the presence, protection and love of the Divine Feminine
- Illuminates our inner dark places where we store our pain and suffering
- Creates hope and upliftment
- Replaces aspects of our wounded self with love and courage
- Helps you to draw love into yourself in times of turbulence, anxiety and uncertainty
- Enables you to access and release wounding in your soul arising from the Spirit world, this and other lives
- Transforms places of negativity arising from trauma
- Integrates any separated, emotionally cut off parts of ourselves
- Helps heal places of our emotional pain
The Divine Mother calls to us to allow that love in to help heal these deep long hidden places or emotional wounds. They can arise not only from events in our childhood and this lifetime but even from prior lives. Many of us have found ourselves in earlier times that were horrific -war genocide or scarcity of love. Some wounds can even occur during the spirit’s journey coming through the dimensions to incarnate, as it take form into this world of matter.
There are many Light Workers who suffer as a result of these emotional wounds but who are able to separate themselves from them, compartmentalise them, in order to serve. When they are strong enough, or with the help of the Isis Essence, they will be able to call these separated parts back.
Recommended Dosage: Seven (7) drops taken under the tongue on rising and retiring for a minimum of two weeks.
We recommend taking the Essence on its own, not mixing it with other Essences.
$31.95 + P&P

This is the second Divine Presence Essence to assist us greatly in our growth and development.
Positive Outcome:
Activates the light of the Soul within us, enabling us to then access the divine on a personal level.
Opens our heart and mind allowing the Christ Consciousness to more readily enter.
Allows our Soul to connect with the source of all Light.
Brings light, love and spiritual power, into our bodies, hearts and minds.
Manifests the seed of creation within us.
Helps us to understand the nature of the divinity that is within us, allowing us to accept our God nature.
Opens our heart to the wisdom that is deep within us.
Ignites our heart flame.
Integrates the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within us.
Helps bring about the dissolution of all the emotional and spiritual pain that has gathered in the bodies, hearts, and minds of the human race.
Brings you awareness of, as well as the information from, our Akashic records.
Recommended Dosage:
Seven (7) drops taken under the tongue on rising and retiring for a minimum of two weeks.
We recommend taking the Essence on its own, not mixing it with other Essences.
It is highly recommended that you take the Isis Essence for 1 week prior taking the Solar Logos Essence and possibly for 1 – 2 weeks after as this will allow a smoother and much more effective experience.
$31.95 + P&P

This is the third Divine Presence Essence to assist us greatly in our growth and development.
The core positive outcomes of the Gaia Essence are as follows:
Re-establishes our connection with our Higher Self and gets us back in touch with our Divine purpose, in a very grounded way.
Helps us to be centred; connected to the Divine; present in our body, heart and mind and to radiate our light into the world.
Grounds and anchors us on a deep spiritual level and raises our consciousness.
Assists us to let in and fully experience the Solar Logos energy flooding down on the Earth.
Forges a loving, protective sense to the Earth/Gaia.
Opens and aligns us to the transformational changes happening within and around us.
Balances within us our divine masculine and divine feminine.
Always over committed
Encourages us to feel safe with, and be more accepting of change and the ensuing flow of emotion.
Recommended Dosage:
Seven (7) drops taken under the tongue on rising and retiring for a minimum of two weeks.
We recommend taking the Essence on its own, not mixing it with other Essences.
$31.95 + P&P

This is the fourth Divine Presence Essence to assist us greatly in our growth and development.
Positive Outcome:
- Re-establishes our connection with our Higher Self and gets us back in touch with our Divine purpose, in a very grounded way.
- Allows the Christ Light to radiate deep down into the darkest places of your psyche to find qualities that may have been lost, buried or hidden.
- By absorbing every colour into your body, heart and mind, it brings you deep understanding, healing and love from the Sources.
- Makes you aware of your potential and to realise that anything is possible and that you can do anything.
- Allows you to expand to feel yourself as a being of Light, connected to the Divine.
- Is nurturing of your auric field and soul evolution.
- Helps you to remember and to embody the glory, beauty, love and the limitless potential that is your Soul’s essence.
- Creates a feeling of support, protection and being nurtured.
- Assists you to manifest the new way upon the earth – that of cooperation, love, respect, appreciation, peace and harmony.
Recommended Dosage:
Seven (7) drops taken under the tongue on rising and retiring for a minimum of two weeks. We recommend taking the Essence on its own, not mixing it with other Essences.
$31.95 + P&P
About the Divine Presence Essences
Bush Flower Essences are not therapeutic drugs. They work on the Mind, Body and Spirit and are obtained by extracting the healing vibrational quality from the highest evolved part of the plant: the flowers.
Flower Essences go a step beyond Herbalism, helping to break down barriers, encouraging people to align with their Higher Selves, enabling a more productive, empowered and joyful life.
This special healing energy of the flower vibrates at a very high frequency which enables the Essences to work, not just within the physical body as herbs do, but right out to the very edges of the energy fields which surround the body.
They work on an emotional level and heal negative feelings and belief patterns held in the subconscious mind.
There are 4 in the Divine Presence Essences range.
The Divine Presence Essences work best when taken individually one Essence at a time.
The Essences should be taken for a minimum period of two weeks, seven (7) drops from the dosage bottle, taken under the tongue, on rising and retiring.
These times of the day are powerful periods for the psyche, and at the same time they make it very easy for you to remember to take them or give them to your children or animals.
At the end of that period you can either repeat the same Essence or commence with the next one in the range.
These Essences are completely natural.
They are perfectly safe, free from side effects and adjust to the needs of the individual taking them.
It is not possible to overdose on them.
These Essences can be used by adults, pregnant women, children and animals.
We are all functioning on beliefs and emotions which may not necessarily be helpful to us.
By changing our thoughts and beliefs we can relieve stress which then can ultimately restore our health.
These Essences are self adjusting and will release the layers of blocked emotions to whatever ‘point of resolution’ the person is prepared to deal with at that point in time.
The Divine Presence Essences not only improve the quality of and bring clarity to one’s life, but also give the courage, strength and commitment to follow and pursue one’s goals and visions.
As well as resolving upsets and distress in one’s life, they also help to develop a higher level of intuition, self-esteem, spirituality, fun and creativity.
Divine Presence Essences are very hardy: however there are some precautions that should be taken to keep them at their best.
· Never store these Essences near electronic equipment ie smart watches, mobile phones, computers, microwave ovens, clock radios and televisions.
· Don’t store in full sun for long periods or in other places where they will get excessively hot, such as the boot of a car.
· Occasional exposure to such conditions will not harm the Essences but long term it could reduce their efficiency.
· Always close the bottle immediately after use and don’t allow the dropper to touch the mouth or other parts of the body as that could contaminate the Essences when it is returned to the bottle.
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