Beauty really does comes from within! You really are what you eat! To help boost your inner glow try adding these healthy beauty boosting superfoods to your menu.
All of these superfoods are loaded with essential nutrients which can enhance your energy, fight disease, improve your memory and also help with your moods.
Here are 10 superfoods that you can add to your diet today!
#1 Carrots
Carrots are rich in Vitamin A – which is important for smooth dazzling hair and supple skin.
#2 Almonds
They are packed with Vitamin E to help protect your skin from those nasty UV rays.
#3 Cacao
Mix cacao into your morning smoothie or cereal for a hit of iron, antioxidants and magnesium. Such nutrients help boost the circulation in your skin and keep it from looking dull and saggy.
#4 Kale
These leafy greens are loaded with lutein – essential for healthy, sparkling eyes. There’s also heaps of Vitamin C for glowing skin.
#5 Salmon
Salmon is overflowing with Omega-3’s. It boosts the glow, suppleness, thickness and radiance of your skin.
#6 Mango and Paw Paw
Take the burden off your concealer by adding these zit-fighting fruits to your brekky. Their secret weapon?? Vitamin C and E, flavonoids and betacarotene.
#7 Blueberries
Stave off your skin’s natural enemy – those dreadful free radicals – with these antioxidant-rich little blue balls.
#8 Coconut oil
Try mixing this miracle substance with Geranium Essential Oil for a fabulous facial moisturiser or use it for cooking to keep skin soft and maintain that youthful glow.
# 9 Flaxseeds
With plenty of fibre and Omega-3, these tiny gems can be sprinkled on salads and muesli to prevent dry skin!
#10 Eggs
Rich in iron, hard boiled eggs will brighten your skin and help you look more awake. Scramble them after a night on the town!
Bonus #11 Water
Water is your first line of defence against wrinkles! While its vital to stay hydrated…don’t drink too much water during main meals – and for an hour after – as water can dilute the hydrochloric acid in your stomach, which is important for digestion and killing bacteria.
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