Category: Living Well

April 1, 2023

Good days start with gratitude. Cultivating a new attitude of gratitude will bring positivity into your life. By choosing to be present in each moment of your day and being truly thankful for what you have will attract positive energy into your life. Here are 3 important tips to practice gratitude… 1. Appreciation When family…

September 1, 2022

Are you dreaming of getting a better night’s sleep? You aren’t alone! A good night’s sleep is just as important as a healthy diet, regular exercise or a good skin care routine. Some people don’t realise what they do leading up to bedtime could be the very things that are causing them to toss and…

April 1, 2022

In the world of weight loss, there is plenty of conflicting information on which superfoods are best for weight loss. If you are struggling with what foods to eat read on for 10 superfoods that will not only help you lose weight but will also keep you feeling satisfied for longer. #1 Cayenne Pepper There…

February 1, 2022

As well as adding colour and flavour to your diet, fruit has special health-enhancing properties. Eating more fruit is an excellent way to improve overall health and reduce the risk of disease. Here are some surprising health benefits of 10 popular fruits. #1 Pomegranate for Heart Health Symbolising fertility and rebirth, pomegranates are a valuable…

January 1, 2022

Start the new year off right by following these 10 tips to help you kick your bad habits to the curb, saying goodbye to them for good. Making daily changes no matter how small will bring excellent results, especially if you have resolved to stop these bad habits this year. Bad Habit #1. Biting your nails…

December 1, 2021

Now more than ever it is important to practice fearless money management.  With the New Year just around the corner most of us want to start 2022 off right.  Here are 12 tips to get organised and take back control of your finances. 1. Declutter your wallet Once a week clean out your wallet and…

May 1, 2021

Develop a healthy mind, improve all areas of your life whilst boosting your long term health, with these 8 easy steps. Increase your long-term brain health with these 8 easy strategies. 1. Sleep Sleep is an important factor to brain health. Getting quality sleep is an important part of your daily routine — you spend…

April 1, 2021

You can improve all areas of your life including your self-esteem, by following our 10 ways to practice self-love guide on a daily basis, and your life will change for the better. Self-love is making sure you take care of your own needs and not sacrifice your health and well-being to please others. 1. Stop…

January 4, 2021

Start the year off right by trying out these 6 tasty Weight-loss Snacks. Just because you are watching your waistline doesn’t mean you have to eat rabbit food, these sacks will help you stay on track with your wellness resolutions and weight loss goals. Mix up your normal snack options with something a little more interesting…

December 1, 2020

The best way to stay healthy is to reinforce your resistance to germs by following these 6 Tips to help Boost Your Immunity and keep your defences strong. If you want to take extra care of yourself over the festive season and beyond follow these simple tips. Tip #1. De-stress Stress can actually increase your…