6 Tips for Kissable Lips

June 1, 2019

Thanks to Kylie Jenner, pouty lips are in the spotlight.

So if you want to transform yours into kissable lips without lip enhancements follow our easy to follow guide. 

closeup of a woman's lip wearing red lipstick

Our 6 tips on how to look after your lips and keep them kissable.  

Tip # 1 Stop pursing your lips in selfies

Although you are making your lips look nice and full, you will end up creating wrinkles. By pursing your lips, you are actually creating more wrinkles around your mouth. You might not notice them now, but in 10 years, you are going to regret it.

Tip #2 Put sunscreen on your lips everyday

The skin on the lips is quite thin and more susceptible to damage from the elements. 

Lips shrink and wrinkle over time so using a lip sunscreen is a great preventative tool. There are some great lip products with SPF in them so use a lip balm daily and protect them.

Tip #3 Quit Smoking

Besides, the obvious detriment to your health, smoking can cause lines all around the mouth. 

This is partly to do with the smoke actually damaging your skin and the muscle contractions you make to inhale a cigarette.

Tip #4 Stay hydrated

Due to the relatively thin layer of skin protecting the lips, it is no surprise that they are more prone to showing signs of dehydration. 

Unless you are on fluid restrictions, 2 litres of water a day is a must!

Tip #5 Exfoliate your lips regularly

Believe it or not, your lips shed skin cells daily. You can speed up this process by exfoliating them to gain a smoother lip surface. 

For good results use an old toothbrush with a little baking soda or make your own lip scrub.

1 teaspoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon olive oil
1–2 drops Therapeutic Grade Lavender essential oil or another essential oil of your choice*

Combine brown sugar, honey, olive oil, and Lavender essential oil in a small glass container and mix until a paste is formed. 

To use, gently rub onto lips in a circular motion, and then wipe or rinse off. 

Store in an airtight container.

*We strongly recommend NOT using any citrus essential oils or blends, which could be too harsh on exfoliated skin.

Tip #6 Use a lip balm

Lip balms aid in hydration by binding the water molecules to your lips which prevents them from drying out, keeping your lips soft and kissable all year long.

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